- receptive
- receptive восприимчивый, рецептивный
English-Russian biology dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian biology dictionary. 2015.
Receptive — Re*cep tive (r[ e]*s[e^]p t[i^]v), a. [Cf. F. r[ e]ceptif. See {Receive}.] Having the quality of receiving; able or inclined to take in, absorb, hold, or contain; receiving or containing; as, a receptive mind. [1913 Webster] Imaginary space is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
receptive — I adjective accessible, admissive, admitting, affectible, alert, amenable, aware, broad minded, cognitive, compassionate, comprehending, conscious, cordial, disposed, favorable, flexible, friendly, gracious, hospitable, impartial, impressible,… … Law dictionary
receptive — (adj.) 1540s, from M.L. receptivus, from L. recipere (see RECEIVE (Cf. receive)). Related: Receptivity … Etymology dictionary
receptive — [adj] open to new ideas acceptant, acceptive, accessible, alert, amenable, approachable, bright, favorable, friendly, hospitable, influenceable, interested, observant, open, open minded, open to suggestions, perceptive, persuadable, pushover*,… … New thesaurus
receptive — ► ADJECTIVE 1) able or willing to receive something. 2) willing to consider new suggestions and ideas. DERIVATIVES receptivity noun … English terms dictionary
receptive — [ri sep′tiv] adj. [ML receptivus < L receptus: see RECEIPT] 1. receiving or tending to receive, take in, admit, or contain 2. inclined to the favorable reception of a request, suggestion, etc. 3. able or ready to receive new ideas 4. of… … English World dictionary
receptive — [[t]rɪse̱ptɪv[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: oft ADJ to n Someone who is receptive to new ideas or suggestions is prepared to consider them or accept them. The voters had seemed receptive to his ideas... Do you think that there is any receptive audience for … English dictionary
receptive — adj. receptive to (receptive to any reasonable offer) * * * [rɪ septɪv] receptive to (receptive to any reasonable offer) … Combinatory dictionary
receptive — re|cep|tive [rıˈseptıv] adj willing to consider new ideas or listen to someone else s opinions ▪ You might find them in a more receptive mood tomorrow. ▪ a receptive audience receptive to ▪ a workforce that is receptive to new ideas… … Dictionary of contemporary English
receptive — re|cep|tive [ rı septıv ] adjective 1. ) willing to listen or to consider suggestions: a receptive audience The company is receptive to new ideas at all times. 2. ) able to learn something new quickly: their highly receptive minds receptive… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
receptive — receptively, adv. receptivity /ree sep tiv i tee/, receptiveness, n. /ri sep tiv/, adj. 1. having the quality of receiving, taking in, or admitting. 2. able or quick to receive knowledge, ideas, etc.: a receptive mind. 3. willing or inclined to… … Universalium